Everyone Must be Fair, Honest, Reasonable and Use Common Sense. Like Me.

February 4th, 2013

By Dan Miller Thus spake our Beloved Lord and Master. King Fair and Reasonable I

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A Librul Tries to Grow Pineapples

January 2nd, 2013

By Dan Miller This is a guest post by Senator Ima Librul (D., Utopia) on the fine art of growing pineapples: I am a Librul and justly proud of the great good we are doing for the entire World. This is my creed: it is irresponsible to be concerned about the future when our own […]

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The Librul* War on Fact and Science

April 7th, 2012

By Dan Miller Belief can result from a desire to believe and desire to believe can result from wanting to be thought fashionable. Both can be unfortunate as to matters where objective analysis of fact is claimed as the basis. Wars have long been waged in many ways.  New ways were developed so that we […]

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