Rules of Engagement: Marines Must Kiss Properly

March 23rd, 2011

By Dan Miller Training materials to be used in preparation for the end of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell have been made available to the Washington Times and more should soon be posted by the Department of Defense on its websites. Here are some questions and answers from the training materials: Situation — You are the […]

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What I Love about the Tiger Mom

January 19th, 2011

By Dr. Jim Taylor If you look at the title of my recent post about Amy Chua, What Chinese-American Mothers Do Wrong (and Right), and the title of this piece, you may be thinking that I have Multiple Personality Disorder, excoriating her one day and expressing my affection for her the next. I have since […]

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What Chinese-American Mothers Do Wrong (and Right)

January 18th, 2011

By Dr. Jim Taylor Have you read the article on by Amy Chua, a Chinese-American mother (and law professor at Yale)? If not, you probably don’t have children. It is a must-read! I was both mesmerized and appalled by the article; like driving past a horrific car accident and wondering whether anyone survived. I […]

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