Racist George Zimmerman: A Metaphor for the Zionist Israelis?

May 23rd, 2012

By Dan Miller Zimmerman is a blood thirsty White racist who murdered a defenseless little Black child who would not relinquish his Skittles. He should have avoided conflict by staying at home and minding his own business. Israelis murder defenseless little Palestinian children who lack even Skittles, daily.  They should also go home (where ever […]

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Trust but Verify Applies Not Only to Foreign Governments

May 6th, 2012

By Dan Miller Governance of a free people requires their continuously earned trust.  Verification is needed to preserve that trust when it is justified and to destroy that trust when it is no longer justified. That is not solely the function of the principal media. Governance with decreasing mutual trust requires the use of ever […]

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The Media Trial of George Zimmerman Shows That We Don’t Need Courts

March 24th, 2012

By Dan Miller During Alice’s visit to Wonderland, she attended a trial.  The queen demanded, “sentence first, trial later.”  We can do even better! As just about everyone not comatose for the past several days now knows, twenty-eight year old George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, shot and killed seventeen year old Trayvon Martin almost […]

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