Bad News for Obama

July 24th, 2009

According to Rasmussen Reports today, President Obama’s approval index has fallen to an all-time low of -8 (see the article for how that’s calculated).  And there’s more bad news for the President:

— In terms of overall approval of Obama’s performance, 49 percent say they at least somewhat approve.  This is the first time that number has been below 50 percent.  Disapproval is at 51 percent.

— Only 25 percent of Americans believe the economic stimulus package has helped the economy.

In another report:

— Obama is governing like a partisan Democrat — 53 percent.

— It’s at least somewhat likely that the next president will be a Republican — 51 percent.

— Oppose health care reform plans of the President and congressional Democrats — 53 percent.

To quote that great American, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, looks like some “chickens are coming home to roost.”

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One Response to “Bad News for Obama”

  1. Harvey |

    “. . . great American, Reverend Jeremiah Wright”


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