A Review of President Obama’s Middle-East Policies

November 6th, 2012

By Dan Miller

That is, assuming that he has any.

Barry Rubin’s review of President Obama’s Middle-East policies is excellent and summarizes many points that are often overlooked but must at least be considered. I can’t re-post his entire article, but here are just a few snippets:

Imagine a U.S. president in the 1930s or early 1940s helping fascists get into power and whitewashing their ideology and behavior. Imagine a U.S. president who in the 1950s or 1960s did the same for Communists. How would you feel about such a person and his effect on the world?  Recently several readers have written me that they will be voting for Obama because they believe that he has learned his lesson, is a true friend of Israel, hasn’t done harm because he had no control over events. I can understand how people might say such things but not after they’ve read what I’ve written about these matters. (Emphasis added.)

President Obama has been doing exactly that for the Great Religion of Peace and many of his friends and supporters have been doing the same — just as many of FDR’s friends and supporters argued in the 1930′s that Nazism and Fascism were socially beneficial. 

Chamberlain and Hitler in Munich

They will probably continue to reject criticisms of Islamism and to support it regardless of whether President Obama is reelected, but it will matter less if he is not.

There are many reasons why I’m thoroughly disgusted with all the phony Obama-loves-Israel or Obama has done a good job on foreign policy nonsense and the foolish things many American Jews and many Americans say about him on this topic. But let me reduce all of these points to one central–and indisputable by anyone who is honest–issue:

Please read his entire article to understand why he is disgusted and decide whether you share his disgust. Consider what those policies mean, not only for the Middle East but also for the United States. I am disgusted with President Obama’s foreign policies, and not only as to the Middle East.  Nothing good has come of them and they have resulted in much that is contrary to our best interests.

Obama Bows

Was he bowing, just looking at his reflection in his shiny shoes or lighting a funny cigarette?

(This article was also posted at Dan Miller’s Blog.)

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