A Review of President Obama’s Middle-East Policies

November 6th, 2012

By Dan Miller That is, assuming that he has any. Barry Rubin’s review of President Obama’s Middle-East policies is excellent and summarizes many points that are often overlooked but must at least be considered. I can’t re-post his entire article, but here are just a few snippets: Imagine a U.S. president in the 1930s or […]

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President Obama Has Failed to Tell Enough Stories

July 13th, 2012

By Dan Miller That’s what he says has been his greatest problem as our President. Therefore, it must be true. President Obama’s plight is a sad one, because he has done an historic and truly remarkable job in every other respect. Due to my post-partisan concern for his continued success, I have thought long and […]

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A Letter from Fly-Over Country

May 16th, 2011

By Nancy Morgan Dear President Obama, My neighbors here in Murrells Inlet have appointed me their spokesman in order to relay to you the results of our latest kitchen cabinet meeting. We believe we’ve come up with some great solutions to many of America’s pressing problems. Of course, not a one of us is an […]

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