The Good Guys are Losing. Why?

April 28th, 2013

By Dan Miller Can’t we just wait for heroes to save us? That’s easy but won’t work. A fascinating article titled The Good Guys are Not Coming to Save Us was posted on April 23rd at Free-Man’s Perspective. The first paragraph observes, A lot of Americans know that the US government is out of control. Anyone who has […]

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Currency Controls and Other Mistakes

October 29th, 2011

By Dan Miller Here is a link to a good nuts and bolts article by Daniel, a blogger in Venezuela who writes at Venezuela News and Views. He also runs a small manufacturing business and has to import material not available in Venezuela for the stuff he makes. Bureaucratic controls on access to foreign currency […]

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What’s Coming for We the Peons Next Year?

October 26th, 2010

By Dan Miller In the future, we absolutely must sustain a level of commitment to liberty comparable to the current wave. There is no other way. The best-case scenarios are probably that Republicans/ T.E.A. candidates et al will win simple but less than veto proof majorities in the House and in the Senate in November, […]

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Health Care Red Tape

October 19th, 2009

It’s a term directed derisively at government bureaucracy, often accompanied by copious cursing. But something’s happened with health care as administered by private insurance companies that can only be described as [expletive deleted] red tape. Here’s a recent example that’s astounding, given the rip-roaring national debate as to whether private insurers or government can provide […]

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