Currency Controls and Other Mistakes

October 29th, 2011

By Dan Miller Here is a link to a good nuts and bolts article by Daniel, a blogger in Venezuela who writes at Venezuela News and Views. He also runs a small manufacturing business and has to import material not available in Venezuela for the stuff he makes. Bureaucratic controls on access to foreign currency […]

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Advance Text of President Obama’s Best Speech Ever

July 13th, 2011

By Dan Miller This is an advance text of the speech President Obama is scheduled to deliver to the nation following the partisan rejection of his final compromise to end the debt standoff and to ensure enduring national prosperity. Provided by a highly placed source at the White House who for obvious reasons insists on […]

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Lefty Media Bias? Say It Ain’t So!

July 23rd, 2010

By Brian Bagent I tune in to Rush Limbaugh every couple weeks or so.  Earlier this week, he was nearly apoplectic over more discovered left-wing media bias.  I had no idea what had set him off because he’s always railing against left-wing media bias.  Well, I subscribe to The Media Research Center and get e-mails […]

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