We Can Waste Time or Begin to Solve Our Problems

November 12th, 2012

By Dan Miller There are many pleasant actions that can be taken that won’t do any good. There are others that might at least begin to do some good. These won’t do much good beyond diverting attention from our problems and maybe providing a good feeling. Feeling good is comforting, and that’s it. 1. Hit […]

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Racist Sarah Palin Attacks Best President Ever Obama’s “Shuck and Jive”

October 25th, 2012

By Dan Miller Is Governor Palin so racist that she does not even know her proper place? Horror of horrors! That mere woman will never come to her senses. Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin released a statement on her Facebook page accusing President Obama of engaging in “shuck and jive shtick” regarding last month’s […]

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Many Will Vote Their Gut Feelings This Year – Or Something

September 23rd, 2012

By Dan Miller This Howard Stern show features interviews with some ordinary folk who are likely to vote their gut feelings this year, having nothing else to help them to decide. Maybe they are right and the pro-life “Obama-Ryan” ticket will eventually result in the prohibition of abortion and the capture of Osama bin-Laden.

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Life Is Not Fair to Beautiful Women!

July 19th, 2012

By Dan Miller Beautiful women get all the breaks; except in politics.

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Celebrity Worship for Wisdom, Fun, and Edification

January 18th, 2011

By Dan Miller Celebrities and the MSM are awesome! And occasionally fatal. Here is a fascinating article about celebrity health tips: “In an annual list of what it sees as the year’s worst abuses against science, the Sense About Science (SAS) campaign group debunked diet and exercise suggestions made by actors, pop stars and others […]

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