Weiners and Tweeters Can End Anthropomorphic Climate Change by 2112

June 23rd, 2011

By Dan Miller Sí se puede! Forget about the Sun.  It vanishes at night when we need it most, is about ninety-three million miles away and neither what it does nor doesn’t do significantly affects whether Mother Earth has a chill or a fever; the Sun doesn’t care whether She perspires or shivers. Even if […]

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The Obama-Gaia Energy Partnership

April 9th, 2011

By Dan Miller The community organizer in chief does what he does best. Years ago, a Venezuelan acquaintance told me a story: Venezuelans and Germans had a rowing race. The German crew had ten oarsmen and one leader who shouted commands; the Venezuelan crew had one oarsman and ten shouters. Surprisingly, the German crew won […]

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Random Thoughts

August 7th, 2010

By Brianna Aubin As many of you may have noticed, I haven’t been around much this last week.  This is because, as I told Tom, I was taking a couple of weeks off in order to give myself some time to cool off, regroup, and actually do some work with my thesis and my day […]

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ClimateGate Revisited

December 4th, 2009

By Brianna Aubin Is it just me, or is there a significant portion of our world trying to pretend that this issue doesn’t even exist? Obama is heading off to Copenhagen soon with grand US emission targets; when reporters asked questions about the scandal, his scientists insisted that global warming was a proven fact and […]

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November 28th, 2009

By Brianna Aubin Last weekend, an anonymous hacker (or possibly whistle-blower) released nearly 160 MB of emails exchanged between some of the most prominent US and European scientists in the climate change debate.  The results aren’t getting quite the degree of media attention they deserve, especially in light of the upcoming Copenhagen meeting, but after […]

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