Meet President Obama’s Special Economic Adviser

October 18th, 2012

By Dan Miller She was little known before her appearance on a local radio call-in program. Classical economic theory is based largely on principles of causation and assumptions of rational behavior coupled with the free flow of information and minimal governmental interference. Under those assumptions, the interplay of supply and demand causes price fluctuations just […]

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Only Happy Numbers Wanted on Regulatory Impact

November 18th, 2011

By Dan Miller According to testimony today before a House Natural Resources subcommittee, The Obama administration pressured analysts to change an environmental review to reflect fewer job losses from a proposed regulation, the contractors who worked on the review testified Friday. The dispute revolves around proposed changes to a rule regulating coal mining near streams […]

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There Are Two Different Subsets of Economics

June 28th, 2011

By Dan Miller Bryan Preston’s recent article about another “unexpected” fall in consumer confidence caused me to reflect a bit on different branches of economics.  An analogy could be drawn to the different branches of medicine: if you fall, can’t walk, your leg hurts and a piece of bone is sticking out, it would be […]

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Feds Target School Bake Sales

December 9th, 2010

By Dan Miller Keeping our schools safe from empty calories and delicious treats. On December 3, the lame-duck House passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, previously approved by the Senate. President Obama, doubtless preoccupied with such trivia as taxes, unemployment, Korea, and China, has yet to sign it into law. A mere two hundred and […]

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Random Thoughts

August 7th, 2010

By Brianna Aubin As many of you may have noticed, I haven’t been around much this last week.  This is because, as I told Tom, I was taking a couple of weeks off in order to give myself some time to cool off, regroup, and actually do some work with my thesis and my day […]

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