Meet President Obama’s Special Economic Adviser

October 18th, 2012

By Dan Miller She was little known before her appearance on a local radio call-in program. Classical economic theory is based largely on principles of causation and assumptions of rational behavior coupled with the free flow of information and minimal governmental interference. Under those assumptions, the interplay of supply and demand causes price fluctuations just […]

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TinkerBell Loves President Obama

September 15th, 2011

By Dan Miller During a campaign appearance in North Carolina today, President Obama brought his appeal for passage of the Save Obama Bill (SOB) down to the basics, shouting to the gathered multitude “if you love me you’ve got to clap your hands help me pass this bill.” How on Earth could any reasonable person […]

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A Simple Fix for Our Economic Mess … Really

September 13th, 2011

By Richard D. Bailey It’s very simple. The economic crisis will not end until the marketplace redresses the problem that caused it in the first place — housing. Fix the housing crisis and you fix the economy. Fix the economy and you fix the deficit. Fix the deficit and you fix … the economy.  Fix […]

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Book Review: Decision Points by George W. Bush

February 8th, 2011

By Tom Carter Decision Points is unusual for a book written by a former politician.  It’s clear, understandable, well-written, and free of excessive self-promotion.  The book is made more readable by the simple, clear, direct style of his writing.  Some reviewers have attributed that style to his supposed lack of intellect and writing ability, a […]

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The Psychic Toll of the Great Recession

October 4th, 2010

By Dr. Jim Taylor Of course I’m concerned about the financial well-being of our citizens. Every layoff and foreclosure hurts not only individuals and their families, but also the over-all health of our economy. But, given my Ph.D. in Psychology, I’m also deeply concerned about the impact of the Great Recession on the individual psyches […]

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