Happy New Year!

December 31st, 2012

By Dan Miller 2012 was a grim year. There have been many others. May 2013 and all following years be far better! It’s pretty much up to us. There have been reasons for sadness.

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Dave Barry’s Review of 2009

January 2nd, 2010

By Tom Carter Dave Barry has reviewed 2009 through his own weird lens.  Like most everything he writes, it’s a great read.  Here are a few examples: March An angry nation learns that the giant insurance company AIG, which received $170 billion in taxpayer bailouts and posted a $61 billion loss, is paying executive bonuses totaling hundreds […]

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Dave Barry on Halloween

October 31st, 2009

Dave Barry presents a typically oddball view of Halloween in this classic 2002 column. He begins by telling kids how to have fun on Halloween, based on his recollections of what happened when he was a kid.  Then, because parents read his column, too, he reverts to the primary topic of the day, child safety. […]

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Dave Barry on Fire Ants

October 5th, 2009

Fire ants, nasty little critters that first arrived in the U.S. in 1918 at an Alabama port aboard a cargo ship from South America, are now found in many areas of the south and southwest.  (I wonder if Hugo Chavez had anything to do with this…or maybe his grandpa?) Anyone who’s had a close encounter […]

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Dave Barry On British Art

March 3rd, 2009

I admit that I’m a peasant when it comes to “art.”  For example, take Jackson Pollock. (Please.) He was, I’ve read, a master of “working spontaneously with liquid paint.” He would take big canvases and throw paint at them. Or drip paint on them. Or splash paint on them. The artsy glitterati would then ooh and aah over them and pay huge amounts of […]

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