Merry Christmas from Venezuela

December 11th, 2011

By Dan Miller Merry Chavezmas Hugo Chávez, the savior of Venezuela if not the entire world, was prominently featured in a Nativity display in Caracas.

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Words, Words, Words! I’m So Sick of Words

September 4th, 2011

By Dan Miller Once upon a time, in a far off land, the words Gentleman and Lady had meanings different from today. Gentlemen were males privy to the very person of the King; ladies were females privy to the very person of the Queen. Over the years, the terms came to have more egalitarian, but […]

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The Honorable Mr. Weiner Should Stay in Congress

June 9th, 2011

By Dan Miller Removing one piece of fecal matter from an overflowing septic tank won’t improve the smell and the worse the odor the more obvious the need to empty it becomes. Lots of Republicans, and Democrats as well, are demanding that the Honorable Mr. Weiner (D-NY) resign. The push came as an angry Representative […]

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Brother, You Ain’t My Keeper!

October 28th, 2010

By Brianna Aubin Last week, Pres. Obama gave a speech in Portland where he declared, yet again, that he is his “brother’s keeper.” …we believe in a country that rewards hard work and responsibility. We believe in a country that prizes innovation and entrepreneurship. But we also believe in a country where we look after […]

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News Flash: Life Isn’t Fair!

October 11th, 2010

By Nancy Morgan Just after Obama was elected president, I asked my niece, Sarah, to tell me, in one word, why she voted for him. She thought about it for awhile, and then replied, “equality.” Sarah is a newly minted Ph.D., a recent product of government schools and a very smart woman. Not surprisingly, she […]

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