Agnosticism, Tolerance and Perceptions of Reality

August 29th, 2012

By Dan Miller Many who visit my blog are Christians or Jews. Although I have occasionally mentioned that I am an Agnostic, it seems appropriate to explain why and what that means to me. Nebraskaenergyobserver, one of my favorite bloggers who often reads my posts, has written much recently about his Lutheran religion and the […]

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Vote For or Against Governor Romney Because He Is a Mormon?

January 9th, 2012

By Dan Miller Don’t we have better things to worry about? An opinion piece in the Washington Post authored by Ken Starr, formerly a special prosecutor and now the president of Baylor University, asked “Can I vote for a Mormon?” Were Mr. Starr a Mormon, the question might have to be rephrased: Can I not […]

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Is Governor Romney a Christian and Does It Matter?

October 12th, 2011

By Dan Miller Governor Romney’s Mormon religion is back in the headlines: The Values Voter Summit in Washington this weekend left no doubt about it: The Mormon issue is back. A Texas pastor’s inflammatory remarks here — calling Mormonism a “cult” — thrust Mitt Romney’s faith into the center of a 2012 campaign overwhelmingly focused […]

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Religious Doctrine and Politics, Part II

June 20th, 2011

By Dan Miller This article is Part II of a three part series. Part I is available here and here. Several Mormons have sought the presidency.  Governor Romney currently does, as does Ambassador Huntsman who said in a recent interview that it is “tough to define” whether he remains a Mormon even though he is […]

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Religion, Presidential Politics and Morality, Part I

June 15th, 2011

By Dan Miller Religion has political components and politics has religious components. Attorney General Holder once called for an “honest discussion” of race, apparently having in mind instead a dishonest one way communication about White “racism.” That hasn’t turned out well. I would like to see a rather more candid discussion of the intersection of […]

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