Agnosticism, Tolerance and Perceptions of Reality

August 29th, 2012

By Dan Miller Many who visit my blog are Christians or Jews. Although I have occasionally mentioned that I am an Agnostic, it seems appropriate to explain why and what that means to me. Nebraskaenergyobserver, one of my favorite bloggers who often reads my posts, has written much recently about his Lutheran religion and the […]

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Another Quiz on Religion

October 10th, 2010

By Tom Carter In Test Your Savvy on Religion in The New York Times, Nicholas Kristof addressed the recent Pew Forum survey that examined religious knowledge among different types of people, categorized by their religious beliefs.  Then he presented his own quiz, which is reprinted below. I discussed the Pew survey in an earlier article, […]

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South Park and J.C.

May 16th, 2010

By Larry Ennis South Park the cartoon series has become a national treasure of sorts. Like The Simpsons and King Of The Hill series, South Park mimics and pokes fun at everyday life in America. I watch all three shows whenever possible. To me, they are strictly humor derived from the black mood that has […]

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