Ego in Business: There Is an “M” and an “E” in Team

November 26th, 2012

By Dr. Jim Taylor The San Francisco Giants’ surprising World Series victory in October led to mass celebration and ticker-tape parades in the City by the Bay. It also produced the usual theorizing about how a team could go from being down 0-3 in the National League Championship Series to sweeping the favored Detroit Tigers […]

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Media Teaches Bad Values to Your Children

November 8th, 2012

By Dr. Jim Taylor How powerful and toxic are the value messages that children are receiving from the media today? According to a large body of research, the answer is very in both cases. Though I’m obviously making a judgment on what good and bad values are, I don’t think many parents would disagree with […]

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Thank you, Government, for permitting success. Or something.

July 16th, 2012

By Dan Miller I was going to re-blog an article written by Mike at Make an Effort.  I agree with what he said there. However, when I got to writing a short comment for the re-blog it quickly got too long.  So, here it is. President Obama recently gave an historic address on business creation. […]

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Freak Out or Geek Out?: Children’s Emotional Reactions to Achievement

February 14th, 2012

By Dr. Jim Taylor These days, children seem to be given every opportunity by their parents to achieve success in school, sports, and the performing arts. Children receive private tutoring, coaching, and instruction. They attend summer camps devoted to their achievement activity. They seem to be assured of having every possible skill necessary to achieve […]

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Truth about the War in Afghanistan

February 8th, 2012

By Tom Carter If you haven’t seen it yet, you should read “Truth, lies and Afghanistan” by Lieutenant Colonel Daniel L. Davis, published by Armed Forces Journal.  As LTC Davis puts it, “The American people deserve better than what they’ve gotten from their senior uniformed leaders over the last number of years. Simply telling the […]

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