Texas Toast: Rick Perry, Ted Kennedy, Roger Mudd and 1979 Redux

September 28th, 2011

By Richard D. Bailey “Why do you want to be President?” It was the question that killed a candidacy the national media had conceived, created and cajoled. Ted Kennedy’s famous flub of a simple question asked by Roger Mudd on a national broadcast in November 1979 accomplished two things. First, it paved the path for […]

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Former President Obama to Star in New TV Reality Series

April 5th, 2011

By Dan Miller Having decisively placed his stamp on foreign policy by failing to make numerous decisions recently, President Obama is preparing for his staring role in a new television reality series, InDecision Time, scheduled to begin early in 2013. Former President Carter will be the master of ceremonies. Former President Obama, former Secretary Clinton […]

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Celebrating Chinese New Year

January 13th, 2009

Chalk up another victory for General Tso’s chicken. According to official government sources, the close ties between the U.S. and the People’s Republic of China were forged 30 years ago by President Carter and Chinese Communist leaders in an historic restoration of diplomatic relations, following breakthrough secret negotiations set in motion in 1971 by President […]

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