The Republican Presidential Debates for 2016 Need to Be Better

December 14th, 2012

By Dan Miller The 2011 – 2012 debates were a disaster. This is a modest proposal for changes “we can believe in.” They are needed if Republicans are to win the presidency in 2016. For reasons which need not detain us except to note that they seemed initially to have had nothing to do with […]

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Next Debate – President Obama Will Win with the Help of TOTUS

October 6th, 2012

By Dan Miller TOTUS will overcome all potential difficulties. Due to President Obama’s less than exemplary performance at the Wednesday night debate, serious concerns have been raised that not providing him even one single teleprompter was unfair. It was unfair, particularly in view of his great reliance on TOTUS. The truth is that President Obama […]

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Advance Information on President Obama’s Wednesday Debate Remarks

October 2nd, 2012

By Dan Miller Due to his great appreciation of things foreign, President Obama will channel a famous German on Wednesday. It is unknown whether he intends thereafter to ask German Chancellor Merkel for foreign aid. The Very Honorable I.M. Totus, the former Teleprompter of the United States who has provided much useful and occasionally even […]

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The Republican Marathon Is Distracting and Dangerous

January 17th, 2012

By Tom Carter The seemingly never-ending Republican primary season drones on, sucking the oxygen out of the national discourse and obscuring things that really are more important.  With hundreds lots of debates behind us and more to come, with some candidates behaving like fools and hurling ridiculous charges at other candidates, the mainstream media is […]

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Should We Change the Republican Candidate Debates?

January 11th, 2012

By Dan Miller An article about debates among candidates for election as Venezuela’s president made me wonder whether this is a good idea: This week Globovision started a new series of shows, with a real debate that is not a debate. In short: they taped on the same day the 6 candidates with more or […]

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