President Obama to Be Sworn In on January 21st. Please, No Swearing!

January 7th, 2013

By Dan Miller This is a guest post by my confidential White House informant, The Extraordinarily Honorable I.M. Totus, Teleprompter of the United States. Although not writing in his official capacity, he is uniquely familiar with happenings at the White House. As his article also shows, he is a great constitutional scholar second only to […]

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Next Debate – President Obama Will Win with the Help of TOTUS

October 6th, 2012

By Dan Miller TOTUS will overcome all potential difficulties. Due to President Obama’s less than exemplary performance at the Wednesday night debate, serious concerns have been raised that not providing him even one single teleprompter was unfair. It was unfair, particularly in view of his great reliance on TOTUS. The truth is that President Obama […]

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Advance Information on President Obama’s Wednesday Debate Remarks

October 2nd, 2012

By Dan Miller Due to his great appreciation of things foreign, President Obama will channel a famous German on Wednesday. It is unknown whether he intends thereafter to ask German Chancellor Merkel for foreign aid. The Very Honorable I.M. Totus, the former Teleprompter of the United States who has provided much useful and occasionally even […]

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President Obama May Issue an Important New Executive Order

September 9th, 2012

By Dan Miller Confidential sources of inside information are now very popular. This article is based solely on my highly confidential source, the recently restored to duty Teleprompter of the United Status, the  Very Honorable Mr. I.M. Totus. According to The Very Honorable Mr. Totus, he was restored to duty after the replacement teleprompter used […]

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Ex-TOTUS Speaks Again, No Longer Ex-Cathedra

July 20th, 2012

In an earlier article The Really Honorable I. M. Totus, then the Teleprompter of the United States, told us of his origins and White House functions. Recently fired from his post, he now has even more to say. By I.M. Totus With the exceptions noted in my earlier guest post here, I generally expressed happiness […]

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