Why I’m a Global Warming Skeptic (and You Should Be)

March 11th, 2011

By Seth Forman I live in a wonderful suburban community on Long Island. My three children attend the excellent public schools in our district. As the two oldest children have made their way through middle school, though, I’ve been bothered by the rather flimsy instruction they’ve received on the subject of “global warming.” Despite widespread […]

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ClimateGate Fallout

April 6th, 2010

By Tom Carter Der Spiegel has published a long, fascinating article examining the fallout from ClimateGate and how both scientists and politicians are dealing with it.  It’s better and more balanced than anything I’ve seen in the U.S. media, and it’s well worth the time required to read it. The article makes it clear that […]

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Not Melting After All

January 26th, 2010

By Brianna Aubin In 2007, the International Panel on Climate Change issued a dire warning that the Himalayan glaciers will have disappeared by the year 2035 due to the scourge of global warming.  This assertion worked wonderfully to fuel the climate change activists into thinking that everybody needed to chip in to “Please help the world” […]

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Al Gore and Truth

December 10th, 2009

By Tom Carter Two days ago Slate.com published an interview with Al Gore by John Dickerson.  The interview was part of a publicity tour in which Gore is flogging his new book, Our Choice.  In addition to Gore’s standard preaching on climate, he addressed the so-called ClimateGate e-mails scandal.  This is the first reaction I’ve seen from […]

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