Candidate Obama Was Prescient about Greece

May 17th, 2012

By Dan Miller Realizing even then that a small nation would show the way during his first term in office, Candidate Obama materialized against a backdrop of sturdy Styrofoam Greek columns to accept his 2008 presidential nomination.

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Confesssion: I Did Not Watch the SOTU Last Night

January 25th, 2012

By Dan Miller I had three good reasons: there wasn’t enough rum, it was past my bedtime and our dogs, fearing for what little remains of my sanity, wouldn’t let me. However, I have read much of the commentary and based on that will provide a post-partisan analysis in keeping with the spirit of the […]

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TinkerBell Loves President Obama

September 15th, 2011

By Dan Miller During a campaign appearance in North Carolina today, President Obama brought his appeal for passage of the Save Obama Bill (SOB) down to the basics, shouting to the gathered multitude “if you love me you’ve got to clap your hands help me pass this bill.” How on Earth could any reasonable person […]

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Save Obama Bill

September 13th, 2011

By Dan Miller Let’s find out what’s in it before it is voted on. The Save Obama Bill (SOB) is 155 single spaced pages in length and has more cross references to, and would make more changes in, previously enacted legislation than I could conveniently count. It was obviously a long time in gestation, President […]

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A Simple Fix for Our Economic Mess … Really

September 13th, 2011

By Richard D. Bailey It’s very simple. The economic crisis will not end until the marketplace redresses the problem that caused it in the first place — housing. Fix the housing crisis and you fix the economy. Fix the economy and you fix the deficit. Fix the deficit and you fix … the economy.  Fix […]

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