Mental Battles

March 3rd, 2012

By Jan Barry Remember the TV ad where several people congregate in New York’s Grand Central Station, each wearing a bright white T-shirt displaying a message revealing startling and very personal information: “bipolar,” “sister,” “schizophrenia,” “mother,” “post traumatic stress disorder,” “battle buddy.”

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The Psychic Toll of the Great Recession

October 4th, 2010

By Dr. Jim Taylor Of course I’m concerned about the financial well-being of our citizens. Every layoff and foreclosure hurts not only individuals and their families, but also the over-all health of our economy. But, given my Ph.D. in Psychology, I’m also deeply concerned about the impact of the Great Recession on the individual psyches […]

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The Little Victories

May 21st, 2010

By Brian Bagent I recently left the full time employ of the hospital where I worked for a little more than two years on a medical/surgical floor to take a job with a hospice agency.  Patients can be put on hospice only if the medical diagnosis is such that an ordinary progression of their terminal […]

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Things Better Left Unsaid

March 22nd, 2010

By Larry Ennis I loved my childhood. My memories of growing up have made for many stories both here and at my own blog site. Children, if brought up correctly, are not or at least should not be exposed to things in life that take away from being young. Innocence and youth are fragile and […]

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Christmas in Hard Times

December 25th, 2008

Christmas this year is not as joyous for some people as it was in the past.  More people are out of work, companies are slowing down or shutting down, retirement plans for some have been diminished or destroyed by investment losses, and in general the economic future looks bleak.  In some families, children will be disappointed to find that Santa left fewer gifts […]

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