National Financial Recovery Requires Sacrifice

May 16th, 2011

By Tom Carter Robert Samuelson has been writing on economics and business for well over 30 years.  However, he’s not an economist; his academic field at Harvard was government and politics.  That alone may explain why his views on economics are more logical than those of professional economists. It should be clear to everyone at […]

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Counting Up the Costs of War

March 28th, 2011

By Jan Barry How many ways need it be said? America is going broke—and has become imperious, callous and cruel—waging wars around the world. A group of concerned citizens in New Jersey and New York set out recently to visually convey the costs of war for our nation. The result is a mind-boggling array of […]

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In Which I Get a Question Answered on PJTV

January 11th, 2011

By Brianna Aubin A couple of weeks ago, the Front Page did a segment on how China might well be one huge investment bubble right now, with currency inflation, bad debt on the government books, and a property bubble larger than the one we had in the U.S.  So I commented: Thanks for going into what […]

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