In Which I Get a Question Answered on PJTV

January 11th, 2011

By Brianna Aubin A couple of weeks ago, the Front Page did a segment on how China might well be one huge investment bubble right now, with currency inflation, bad debt on the government books, and a property bubble larger than the one we had in the U.S.  So I commented: Thanks for going into what […]

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The Fed, the QE, and the Ben Bernank

November 23rd, 2010

By Tom Carter Thanks to Rob at Wind Rose Hotel for finding a great explanation of how the Federal Reserve works, what the Quantitative Easing is, and how the Ben Bernank fits into everything. After watching the video everyone will finally understand what’s going on.  Well, maybe everyone except economists — they’re still trying to […]

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Hyperinflation Q & A

May 30th, 2010

By Brianna Aubin One of the main reasons I subscribe to PJTV is because of the Front Page, which usually features Terry Jones of Investors Business Daily and Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand Institute.  Klavan on the Culture is hilarious, and the other people on PJTV do produce some good stuff, but my favorite […]

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The December Spending Spree

December 29th, 2009

By Brianna Aubin At the beginning of the month, the White House held a jobs summit in order to discuss the record levels of unemployment.  The Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of Independent Business were not invited (who needs business organizations at a jobs conference?).  Paul Krugman was. Why is this important?  Two […]

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The Debt Economy

December 5th, 2009

By Brianna Aubin I remember once that I was writing a comment to an online newspaper article when I needed to reference the national debt figure, so I went surfing for one of the debt clock websites.  I promptly found one of those Java clocks that update the debt by the second, and used the […]

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