Pacific Diary

August 22nd, 2012

By Jan Barry In the summer of 1942, on his 21st birthday, Alfred Theodore “Ted” Graham, Jr., a trumpet player, volunteer fireman, and newspaper reporter from Jacksonville, New York, enlisted in the U.S. Navy. After training as an aerial gunner-radioman, ATG was assigned to Bombing Squadron 15, serving on the aircraft carrier USS Essex, which […]

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Texas Justice

June 19th, 2012

By Tom Carter I’ve been closely following the legal case of a man who owns a ranch in a small Texas town.  As reported here, Hearing his 5-year-old daughter crying from behind a barn, a father ran and discovered the unthinkable: A man molesting her. The father pulled the man off his daughter, authorities say, […]

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U.S. Forces Kill Osama bin Laden

May 2nd, 2011

By Seth Forman Bravo to our military forces and intelligence agencies, most of which have been working on getting Osama Bin Laden for more than a decade. They are the best there is. President Obama should take credit for it too, but only if he learns that relentlessness in war is what “solves” terrorism and […]

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