President Obama Welcomes His New Muslim Brotherhood Bodyguards

February 18th, 2013

By Dan Miller Islam is the only true Religion of Peace and seeks merely to eliminate the savagery of Christianity, Judaism and other false religions. Members of the Muslim Brotherhood are highly respected for their intensely peaceful nature and also for dealing fairly but firmly with all enemies of truth and justice.

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We Must All Bow to the Great American God Obama

November 23rd, 2012

By Dan Miller Let us prey on the wicked rich oligarchs and rejoice in the Wisdom of Obama as He wisely commands. President Obama, a lowly community organizer man of humble origins, has now revealed himself as the Great American God, our Lord and Master, who yearns only to provide for us. We, His people […]

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Obama’s 3 AM Moment

February 1st, 2011

By Nancy Morgan One of the issues raised in the run-up to our last presidential election was the question “Which candidate is best qualified to handle a ‘3 AM moment’?” America now has a partial answer. It isn’t President Obama. Last Friday was Day 4 of the ongoing protests in Egypt, where tens of thousands […]

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