Benghazi and President Obama’s Foreign Policy – Proactive or Reactive?

October 20th, 2012

By Dan Miller President Obama’s foreign policy has provided many examples of leading from behind. The expression “leading from behind,” as used in this article, means: 1. Waiting while allies decide what to do and then following along. Doing that assumes substantial congruity of interest with our allies. To the extent that such congruity may […]

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Al Qaeda Endorses President Obama; Tonight’s Debate to be Affected

October 16th, 2012

By Dan Miller Boosting President Obama’s reelection chances Sheik Mohamed ali-Baba, principal spokesman for al Qaeda, demanded that President Obama be reelected. Sheik Mohamed ali-Baba, a well known Islamic scholar, humanitarian, redistributionist and principal spokesman for al Qaeda, today cited the reelection of President Obama as necessary for the survival of the United States under […]

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The Washington Post’s “Top Secret America”

July 24th, 2010

By Tom Carter The Washington Post’s highly-touted, much-discussed three-part series on the U.S. intelligence community emphasizes the role of contractors involved in intelligence and security work.  Much is made of the fact that it took two years to research and write the series, using publicly available information and interviews with various sources, most of whom […]

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Could It Really Work?

March 12th, 2010

By Brianna Aubin Elections were held in Iraq last week, with approximately 63% of the country turning out to vote despite terrorist attacks that killed several dozen.  The counting has been slow, but there has been no serious reason to suspect fraud (usually if you’re going to cheat, you at least try to do it […]

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