Are We, Our Candidates and Our Elections Racist?

July 24th, 2012

By Dan Miller The meaning of “racism” has changed for the worse. There was a time when the adjective “racist” was properly applied to those who based their judgments, words and deeds on race. People and organizations are now characterized as “racist,” or not, with little regard to what they think, say or do.  “Racist” […]

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BREAKING NEWS: Results of Supremes’ Friday ObamaCare Deliberations

April 1st, 2012

By Dan Miller Shocking details revealed here Fast, Furiously, Exclusively and First, TODAY ONLY! Last Monday through Wednesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the constitutionality of ObamaCare and what to do if parts of it are unconstitutional.  I tried to provide an instant analysis here, cautioning that we won’t know the final results […]

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Too Bad Kids Can’t Vote

April 11th, 2011

By Dr. Jim Taylor If children could vote, then I’m sure politicians in both our federal and state governments would demonstrate some actual concern for them rather than demonstrating a wanton disregard for these little citizens who are the future of America. This profound indifference to the needs of our children is displayed starkly in […]

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