Weather Wise

November 15th, 2011

By Jan Barry Early Warning Winter dropped from the October sky Two days before Halloween— Tree branches smothered in snow On summer leaves snapping deep into the night Made darker by downed power lines Global warming! skeptics scoffed— As this part of suburban civilization Staggered for days without electricity, Closed schools, postponed Halloween Until tangled […]

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The Dog Days of August

August 1st, 2010

By Tom Carter Proving that August weather has ever been unpleasant, this August 1, 1856 observation quoted at The Blog of Henry David Thoreau: Since July 30th, inclusive, we have had perfect dog-days without interruption. The earth has suddenly [become] invested with a thick musty mist. The sky has become a mere fungus. A thick […]

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My Day Wednesday

March 26th, 2009

On Wednesday, my friend Jamie came home with me after school. When we got home, we played the “Twilight” board game. Then, while we were eating my grandma yelled for us to come. We went and saw two kittens! Our cat (Jenny) had kittens! We didn’t even know she was pregnant! The kittens still have their eyes closed, […]

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Holiday Blues

December 23rd, 2008

December hits me with the blues even before the official first day of winter. My wife died during this season, among other things. The frantic pace of manufacturing holiday cheer leaves me exhausted. It gets dark so early, I’m ready for bed before supper. I decided to beat the holiday blues by visiting my parents. […]

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The Joys of Winter

December 21st, 2008

MaxedOutMama has posted three videos of slow-motion multiple car crashes on icy streets.  No one gets hurt, so its pretty funny.  Take a look. For anyone who’s been there, watching these videos gives you that weak feeling you had as your car slid out of control on the ice and snow.  And in one video, you see […]

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