Welcome To Our Homosexual Day of Silence

April 15th, 2011

By Nancy Morgan Friday, April 15, the Homosexual Day of Silence is being promoted in government schools across the country. Welcome students. Today is the big day. Today is your chance to take a stand against the forces of bigotry and homophobia that unfairly targets our brothers, sisters and others in the gay, lesbian, transgendered, […]

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What To Do with Gay Birds?

December 1st, 2010

By Tom Carter The birds are two Griffon vultures who until just recently lived together in a zoo in Munster, Germany.  Now, in Texas we would call these things “buzzards.”  They’re big birds with wide wingspans, they circle around all day looking for something dead, then they fly down and eat the corpse.  Buzzards.  Far […]

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Straight Pride

November 15th, 2010

By Nancy Morgan As more and more Americans identify themselves through their sexual orientation, I’d like to weigh in on the side of heterosexuality. There, I said it. I’m straight. Sexually speaking, this means that I don’t sleep with members of my own sex. Of course, who I sleep with is no-one’s business. Unless I’m […]

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Choosing Homosexuality

August 2nd, 2010

By Nancy Morgan Neal Boortz claimed last week that a person’s sexuality is “ordained in the womb.” Meaning homosexuality, as Boortz sees it, is not a choice. Though I usually agree with Boortz, I beg to differ. In today’s culture, homosexuality is increasingly being presented as a lifestyle option. Science has yet to determine if […]

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