Obstructionists Must Yield So President Obama Doesn’t Eat First Dog Bo

December 11th, 2012

By Dan Miller Unless obstructionists agree to raise taxes on the filthy rich and give President Obama authority to increase the debt ceiling unilaterally, He and his family will have to eat First Dog Bo. Not even House Speaker Boehner’s tears had persuaded enough Obstructionists to free the middle class. President Obama continued to insist that […]

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Obama Will Soon Offer Plans to Create Jobs, and Conservatives Must Help

August 20th, 2011

By Dan Miller These novel ideas are all workable and truly bipartisan; they should appeal to libruls and conservatives alike. The country needs productive jobs, not counter-productive jobs. During his bus tour of the hinterlands aboard a new $1.1 million bus made in Canada (“the perfect coach for entertainers, sports stars, NASCAR drivers, executive travel, […]

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Let ’em Eat Cake

August 8th, 2010

By Larry Ennis The President’s wife has gone on vacation in Spain. Total cost for her little getaway? How about $375,000? The good news is that we taxpayers aren’t paying for all of it. According to the White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, the First Lady is traveling just like any other private citizen. According […]

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The Right to Have a Vacation

April 20th, 2010

By Tom Carter Antonio Tajani, the EU Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry, has decided “that tourism is a human right and pensioners, youths and those too poor to afford it should have their travel subsidised by the taxpayer.”  Tajani said, “Travelling for tourism today is a right. The way we spend our holidays is a […]

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Slow Boat to Anywhere

August 19th, 2009

Ever had the feeling you’d like to get away for a while, enjoy some peace and quiet where no one can find you or bother you?  One way is to take a cruise.  No, not the kind of cruise where there are a thousand passengers on a fancy ship with shuffleboard games, casinos, floor shows, fancy […]

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